Friday 11 August 2017

coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is

Considering what is happening presently, I think human activities here on earth is on the verge of ending.
I wish I could tell all my Facebook friends to pray, but I'm even tired of praying - for impossible things.

"You cannot pray off a divine agenda; you can only seek your exemption." - Bishop David Oyedepo. Again, Matthew 5:18 has the say story. Praying for the economic situation of Nigeria to get better is a waste of time. Not expecting more deadly diseases to come up is like being ignorant of the times. However, as God exempted the people of Israel from the calamities that befell Egypt (Genesis 47:27), He can do same for anyone who has signed up to Him.
Matthew 24 prophesies has been repeatedly fulfilled, especially these days. People are turning against each other by kidnapping, robbery, killing, agitations and the likes. The latest is that the old-story lassa fever is back - pestilences. Even at the dropping prices of goods in the market, people are still hungry. I use to think that the hunger issues is limited to Nigeria; but the whole world is suffering it today.
When the clouds gather, rain is expected. I can draw but just one conclusion from these events - the
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is near.
Everyone should be getting ready to go home now. 90 minutes has been completed, the extra time is equally up; we are just repeating penalty turns, of which any thing can happen any time. But, there are two homes - one with eternal recommendation and another with eternal condemnation. Where would you want to spend your eternity?
Some of you are living right before yourselves and friends, but Jesus told us that a man must be born again (John 3:3-6). Every person must make a conscious response to a call to salvation (Romans 10:9,10) for it is mandatory for an eternity with Jesus Christ - eternal rest.
Eventually, Acts 2:38 says, "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."

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